Sword coast legends mods
Sword coast legends mods

sword coast legends mods

If you download only one thing from here, download this. Some of these are vast improvements over their NWN counterparts and could give you a huge variety for your areas' soundscapes. It contains 658 environment and ambient sounds as well as a couple miscellaneous things. sclambenv.7z is the shining star of this offering.What it does not include (though I have it if you'd like it) are the gajillion variations of footsteps and movement sounds (armor clanking and what not). This includes weapon impacts, whooshing sounds, dropped equipment, etc. sclequipment.7z contains all of the game's weapon sounds (186 files).Some but not all monster ability sounds were included-some were far too tied into that monster's growling/grunting to be a stand alone sound. This ranges from Fighter's Action Surge to Witch Bolt. sclabilities.7z contains all ability and spell sounds (323 files).Since NWN doesn't have that level of audio sophistication, you might consider splicing those tracks together in various combinations for your module. Of note is that SCL did its battle music dynamically based on how much danger the party was in, and therefore consists typically of a short intro track ~7-10 seconds, a looping mid track, and a short end track based on results. This includes the area music and battle music as well as versions of the soundtrack of various lengths for game application. sclmusic.7z contains all music from the game (92 files).This package is 100% for builders-players won't find anything here for client side override. WAV and sorted (they pop out as random numbered files) for your pleasure. Here are 1200 sounds that have been ported from Sword Coast Legends to.

Sword coast legends mods